Why Trust Us?
Our Vision Is To Help You Stay Connected
We provide scheduling flexibility. You may self-schedule in-person consultations or phone calls or video calls. Our innovative medical record system provides a video recording of your in-person visits and also lets you track your health status (PRO scores for pain, function, mood). You may share updates with your primary care provider, physical therapist, chiropractor, other healthcare providers and family members at any time.
Our Mission Is Personalized Care
We help you understand trustworthy information on your diagnosis and treatment options. We help you access publicly available data on quality of care, patient experience, patient outcomes, and costs for different surgeons and hospitals in the region and across the country. We are confident you will choose us for the best care and experience.
Our Approach Is To Focus On Outcomes
We will help you strive for the best outcomes. Patient Reported Outcomes measures (PROs) help you personalize treatment and measure progress. Our interactive iPad and web apps give immediate feedback on what your scores mean and help you see if surgery or nonsurgical treatment is better for you.